Nigerian Man Who Was Obsessed With Big Br£ast Shares His Story After God Delivered Him

 Nigerian Man Who Was Obsessed With Big Br£ast Shares His Story After God Delivered Him

“There was one time in my life not too far ago that I was obsessed with big br.east. I thank God for delivering me from that. 

In fact, back then when men have discussions about the type of women they wanted to marry, my own deal breaker was big br.east. If you like, don’t know how to cook, don’t know how to clean, don’t even speak good English, as long as your br.east was big, I go marry you. 

In Uniport, if my friends saw me strolling or driving with a girl with average br.easts they immediately knew that the girl was obviously just my friend because it was a standard I would never violate.

Finally, I met one lady whose br.easts were twice the size of my head. She was rude, uncouth, lazy and unambitious and I was very irritated. So I started looking for a way to break up with her. I would start petty fights about her behavior just so we can quarrel and I can break up with her. 

But whenever we quarreled, she would just open br.east and I would forgive her. 

“Why is your house so untidy?”

She will open br.east. 

“Why haven’t you applied for that job yet?”

I will see br.east. 

I decided to start the quarrels on phone so she will not tempt me with breast. But after breaking up with her on the first attempt, she sent me br.east pictures on WhatsApp and I was back in the relationship. 

It was clear that I was under a spell.

So I reached out to one of my friends who usually gives me bad advice and he told me just one sentence. 

The only way to combat evil is by using greater evil. 

He arranged a lady with bigger br.easts than my babe and asked her to pose as my new girlfriend. Then I would ask my babe to meet me at home. I would be out of the house when she would come because she had a key but my arranged babe would be lying on my bed. She would make a scene but definitely break up with me. I agreed to pay the arranged babe N40k for the job. 

Everything went as planned. I was at a bar close to my house when my problem called me on phone to break up with me and swore never to set her eyes on me. I formed small apology so it would seem natural but she ended the call and blocked my number. Hallelujah. 

I went back to my house and saw the arranged babe dressing up to leave. The house was scattered obviously because of the drama that just happened but I go arrange am, nothing spoil.

I counted the N40k and gave the arranged babe as per our agreement. She counted it and said it wasn’t enough. That I should make it N50k.

Ahan. But we agreed N40k nau. I’m not paying any extra money. 

She opened br.east…”

- Brian Dennis
