Toddler bites snake to death in savage revenge attack after it bit her lip


Most people who have raised kids know that toddlers can be savage when they discover they can bite just about anything. In Türkiye, a snake recently found this out the hard way afterbiting a two-year-old girl.

The girl, only identified as SE in various reports, was playing in her garden at home in the Turkish of Kantar when a 50cm-long snake slithered toward her.

She began playing with the reptile, which bit her on her lip. She screamed, then did what most people wouldn't – she bit it back hard.

Her father, Mehmet Ercan, says when their neighbours heard the girl scream they rushed to her aid and found SE with the snake clenched between her teeth and blood on her face.

The two-year-old was taken to a nearby hospital where she was given a snake-bite antidote and kept under observation for 24 hours before being discharged.

“Allah protected her, really,” said Mehmet, who was at work when the incident occurred.

The snake didn't survive little SE's bite.

The toddler isn't the only person who recently bit back in a snake attack.

Earlier this month a 45-year-old man from Odisha, in eastern India, was on his way home from work when a snake bit his leg.

Kishore Badra caught the snake and bit it to death. He then took its remains home with him.

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